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Journeys into pharmacy - Oz

Ozomaye Adagu

Looking back, my journey into pharmacy was a straightforward and fulfilling adventure, which began at a young age – as I was inspired into the profession in large part thanks to my dad (a pharmacist and pharmacologist). 

During my formative years as a boy, I was fortunate enough to have witnessed my dad on occasions as he applied his trade as a pharmacologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, thus instigating my interest in the field of science – an interest that was subsequently buttressed by the conversations I would later have with my father (during our pharmacy-related discussions) regarding his various pharmacist shifts over the years, and against this backdrop, I inevitably chose my A-level subjects with the intention to join (UCL) London School of Pharmacy, and thankfully that came to fruition. 

On graduating from UCL, I was conflicted about which sector of pharmacy to join. With the understanding that each sector will have its unique attraction, as well as knowing that all sectors will invariably have a lot to offer from a development point of view. Thus, I eventually concluded that: given the opportunity, I would endeavour to experience all that pharmacy has to offer and decided to begin in the community. I’ve since worked in a plethora of areas within pharmacy including internet pharmacy, acute hospital, CCG, and community healthcare Trust – which brings you up to date with the current stage of my journey.

Every individual will have their distinctive journey as they progress in any profession or sphere of work, and this may prove to be smooth sailing or riddled with various trials/tribulations, or even a mixture of both. At the end of each juncture, I believe what’s most pertinent is the experience we gain from our journey, and how we apply them to further our progression in the future without deviating from our professional standards and maintaining our love and passion for the job.


SEO terms: Pharmacy OSCE scenarios, Pharmacy OSCE stations, Pharmacy OSCE exams, Pharmacy OSCE revision, Pharmacy exams, Pharmacy revision, Getting into Pharmacy


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