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Pharmacy students and graduates across the UK create our OSCE resources, allowing you to get access to specific and up to date content. These resources are also reviewed by qualified pharmacists so you can be confident in the validity of the information.

If you want to get involved, please email us at . This mailbox is checked regularly, but we apologise if there are any delays during busy periods. We welcome offers of partnerships, collaborations and any suggestions you may have. If you'd like to produce content for us, we are always welcoming new creators to our team!

If you encounter any issues with the resources on our site (this could include a technical issue regarding the website, or any issue regarding the content on the page) please feel free to contact us as with a description of the issue. Please include a link to the page, and any screenshots if needed so we can identify the issue and resolve it as soon as possible.

We envision that our resources will help you practise your OSCE skills along with your peers. Use our scenarios and our digital marksheet to practise anywhere at any time! Finding it hard to meet up with people? That's fine, with our Discord server find other students across the UK to practise with at your leisure. If you want to work alone you can access our cheat sheets and video scenarios to revise.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us at or reach out to our social media channels and we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.

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