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Journeys to Pharmacy - Kayode

Kayode Aweojo


Becoming a Pharmacist was my greatest aspiration. At the moment, I am constantly thrilled by the fact that I am now a Pharmacist; I have crossed many hurdles just to be here, and I will choose Pharmacy a million times again. I find absolute fulfilment and satisfaction in this career path.


It was my second year in High school and I was still confused about what I would like to become when I grow up. My Mum became sick and we had to go to the Hospital. While at the Hospital, I observed every Health professional who attended to my Mum and I was particularly drawn to the Pharmacist. I loved his carriage and his professional approach in discharging his duties. I fell in love with the profession at that moment. One thing about me is that I am highly inquisitive. I wanted to know more about the profession so I went back to the Pharmacist to ask a lot of questions, and Eureka! I finally have the answer to the Question ‘’What would you like to be when you grow up?‘’.


That was the beginning of my dream of becoming a Pharmacist. I have always been passionate about helping people and I realized Pharmacy will help me amplify this passion. While in high school, my passion for Pharmacy was so much that I constantly, and daily, imagine myself wearing a white Clinical Coat, doing the work of a Pharmacist. I would also inscribe “Department of Pharmacy’’ on the back cover of my High school notebooks with Hopes that I’d become a Pharmacist One day. 


After High school, I sat and wrote the entrance Exams to the University where I had the choice to choose three Courses in order of preference, I chose Pharmacy in all. Unfortunately, I did not perform up to the Cut-off mark to be considered for Pharmacy. That simply means I’ll have to wait till the next year to write another exam. The next year came and I applied again and I still did not meet the cut-off.


I remained determined and resilient, always Inspired by this Quote by Nelson Mandela ‘’There is no passion to be found settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of Living’’. I knew I was capable of becoming a Pharmacist so I wouldn’t give up.


I braced up to sit the entrance Exams for the fourth time, choosing Pharmacy as my preferred course in all of the three Options. And this time, I got in. That marks the beginning of the realization of my dreams.

Pharmacy school was exciting as well as challenging. The best part of Pharmacy is that there are several areas of Pharmacy you can choose ranging From Hospital Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, Nuclear Pharmacy, Administrative, Research, and so on. It is vital to choose an area of best interest while still in Pharmacy School.


I am particularly thrilled with Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy. It gives me great Joy when I see cases of medical conditions and the associated symptoms. I love to discuss the Pathophysiology and etiology of Diseases and Medical conditions as well as the Pharmacology of drugs used in the management of these conditions.


I was able to push through the challenges of Pharmacy school by associating with people of like minds who are as passionate about the Profession as I am.


Now that I am a Pharmacist, I enjoy every single day of my career, collaborating with other Healthcare professionals to give patients a better quality of life through quality Healthcare services. I enjoyed speaking to my Patients about their medications and their Health. 


I have handled several medical cases and conditions and as well written several Articles and participated in several research works. I have also mentored and encouraged a lot of Pharmacy students who are now Pharmacists. The best moment in the Pharmacy profession is that moment when a patient I had attended to in the past, gets better and they have come back to me Healthier and better. 


So Far, My journey into Pharmacy has been a fulfilling one, and I look forward to more fulfilling experiences, serving humanity and putting smiles on faces.


SEO terms: Pharmacy OSCE scenarios, Pharmacy OSCE stations, Pharmacy OSCE exams, Pharmacy OSCE revision, Pharmacy exams, Pharmacy revision, Getting into Pharmacy


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